eEnglish FAQs

eEnglish by Pronunciation Power Frequently asked questions help
For help with using the features of eEnglish by Pronunciation Power please visit and click on the question mark (?) button on the top menu.

Online video help is also available at:
Can't access your account?
1. Visit
2. Click the "Can't access your account?" link under the username/password box.
3. Enter the email you used when signing up to eEnglish.
4. You will receive an email with password recovery information.
Pronunciation Power CD and Download help
For support with your Pronunciation Power CD or Download version please contact
S.T.A.I.R. manual help and download
S.T.A.I.R exercises are designed to give students a chance to practice the sound patterns of North American English - Stress, Timing, Articulation, Intonation and Rhythm.

S.T.A.I.R topics use the individual sounds of the lessons to practice the patterns present in an English accent. We have chosen 15 key topics that can assist students in developing a more English sounding accent. Exercises for practicing the topic can be found within the lessons themselves.

Students do not have to read or understand the manual to be able to do the S.T.A.I.R exercises as the screen displays tips and instructions for students. The manual is directed toward English instructors and a through knowledge of English is required to use it.

Please contact to request a copy of the S.T.A.I.R. manual.
Which pronunciation symbol system does English Computerized Learning use?
We struggled initially with the various choices of symbols to use: IPA common, IPA used in Australia and China ( some slightly different symbols), Americanist Phonetic Notations (APN) symbols, or a combination of the first three. Different dictionaries, ESL texts, linguists and teachers seem to use slightly different symbols as well focusing on the different sound blends which gives us anywhere from the 44 to 56 "sounds" for the English language.

Working closely with the Linguistic department of the University, the choice of symbols was deliberate and was motivated by the feeling that learning the phonetic alphabet is often an unnecessary task for most learners of English - and one which may even impede (or at least interfere with) their progress.

Note that we have, on the top right hand corner, used the symbol of the sound that the student is studying on each page. The user may click on that symbol at any time to be reminded of the sound they are working on. Also, the program features the "toggle" button where the student can highlight the sound that they are working on in all of the words, thus helping them recognize the various ways that certain sounds may be spelled.

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